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Here you will find the different seminars that shine light upon your spirit.


Keep an eye on the page for all upcoming events. this page is still under construction.


Healing is about restoring the harmony. Please read your options.

In the darkness, on top of the mountain, a light is shining.
This light is calling out to you.

My name is Blue Star

I work with the light of spirit 
I welcome you on this website.

My name is Blue Star

I Work with the light of spirit


Blue Star is a Shaman. She works in trance and works as a medium.
She is also a teacher of Native
American Indian spirituality. She studied music at the Sweelinck Conservatory in Amsterdam and got her Masters in 1978. She was involved in theater projects and composed music for animation film. In 1991 she met Grand Sachem Chief Dancing Thunder with whom she worked for 18 years.


In 1995 Blue Star was adopted into the Susquehannock Tribe by the late Chief Piercing Eyes Penn. She was also adopted in 1994 into the Cherokee FL in the tribe of Clan mother Spirit Catcher. The late Grandfather Sky of the Shoshonee adopted this tribe. As a child Blue Star always wanted to know about the truth of things and this quest became the path of her life.

In 1984
she learned to play the didgeridoo as an instrument of healing and worked with SOUND in Dreamtime Healing Concerts since 1991.
In her work as a
transpersonal healer she also uses Tibetan bowls, shaman’s drum, rattles, and her own voice.


Blue Star is “a person of knowledge”, the traditional title for a Shaman.


In the dreaming realities that were induced by the sounds of the didgeridoo she discovered that she could channel energy into her piano play. This is how the Dreamtime Piano Music© started. Using the sounds of the piano as an instrument for trance journeys.


Amongst her studies were psychology, dream therapy, gestalt therapy. Dowsing, and the art of seeing leylines. In 2008 she was initiated as International Clan mother of the Pan American Indian Association FL and became an ordained minister of the Native Indian church of the Pan American Indian Association. In 2010 she was asked as International Clan mother for the United Indian Nations. (Georgia) November 2011 during a shamanic tour throughout Australia, she guided the trance dance and deanimation courses in Sydney. She gave Ancestral healing courses in Melbourne, Byron Bay, and the Southern Highlands and met Aboriginal law men by whom she got adopted into the Land. For 12 years she traveled Down Under and helped to wake up Song Lines. (Teachings of the Red Earth)

These days Blue Star’s deep love and connection with water has developed in bringing high
frequency water all over the world like New Zealand, Australia, India seven rivers Mexico water in the birth of rivers, vulcano’s and the making of StarGates through high frequency water of 2 trillion. (see Water Teachings)

In the Netherlands Blue Star is a
tested and acknowledged member of Enigma, Foundation for Psychics. Blue Star is also a practitioner of Quantum Therapy with a SCIO computer system. Blue Star teaches in Switzerland, Germany, Australia, the Netherlands and Cataluña.


Welcome to Teachings. Here you will find the different colors that shine light upon spirit. Like a diamond; there are many facets of spirit that can be remembered, polished and worked on. Here you will find some of them. Most of these teachings came from tradition and visions. Knowledge shown to Blue Star in the spiritworld, and  teachings that were taught throughout her years with other shamans. The knowledge in Blue Star’s teachings will be passed on through spiritual journeying, meditations, energetic techniques, channelings and pure energetic transfer of the many dimensions. 

The medicine Wheel and the personal medicine of the Four Wind directions

Knowledge of the Native American Indians

The communication between the magical stones and you

Crystals Stones and how you are related to them

The Teachings of the Red Earth

Knowledge and ceremonies of the Aboriginal People of Australia

Mediumship and Healing

Awareness and Perception of Mastering the ways of the Clairvoyant

The dragons of crystal starlight

Mastering the 28 portals of Energy.

we are Water - Water is All

water ceremonies and the magic of codes. 

Light Healing

This information is in progress.

Sound Healing

The use of instruments for changing/alter one’s perception 

Star method

A beautiful and strong method to heal ancestral patterns that bothers you today.


Healing is the Art of restoring the balance. The balance between the different aspects of the self that influences our feelings of well being and happiness. The balance between the spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, psychological.


And don’t forget the dreamworlds and the ancestors.

Personal Shamanic Guidance

Finding clarity on one’s path.


Scio reports on the biological reactivity and resonance in your body and indicates needs, dysfunctions and vulnerabilities.

Star Method

A beautiful and strong method to heal ancestral patterns that bothers you today.


Blue Star goes into a Trance state and Spirit talks.

Extra options

In our lives we can experience important changes. Blue Star does ceremonies for these moments like Sacred Matrimony, Birth or with the transition  from a loved one.  

Please contact for this option.

Change vibrations with intent, magical mountains,
we read the world with eyes of wonder.


When I see the circle of my sisters, how intense the feelings are about fighting alone on a lost post and which tensions come forth out of that, then it is pretty clear which work we accomplished these days. I wish many others such strong and strengthening experiences.
Thank you Blue Star for your presence and nourishing offerings last night. You have come into my life as my teacher and helped me, in many ways just by being you, to reconnect with this part of my spiritual journey. Thank you also for opening up and offering some of your own heart song… I value your honesty and openness. Thank you Blue Star!
Michelle Mahler
Radiance dance Australia
As ever your timing was spot on, but you knew that didn’t you? Thank you for your strength and guidance. Life is easier knowing that you are with me.
Blue Star for me is a wonderful, warm hearted, strong and beaming woman, who connects Mother Earth and Father Sky within her.
I am thankful to the role Blue Star has as my mentor / supervisor in my work. It is supportive for my own growth and development in my work as a professional (aura) reader, spaceholder and coach. Blue Star provides me the mirror I need once in a while. Crystal clear, direct and always, it leads me always back to the answers that lies within myself. Besides the above mentioned, I experienced profound insights and healings when I visited Blue Star for my own personal development. With this, I appreciate her sense of humor, her storytelling and ofcourse the connection from heart to heart.
Naomi Barnouw

The data for events are related to the Teachings. 

Have a look at the event page for the current data.