


Welcome to Teachings. Here you will find the different colors that shine light upon spirit.


Welcome to Teachings. Here you will find the different colors that shine light upon spirit. Like a diamond; there are many facets of spirit that  can be polished and worked on. Here you will find some of them. Most of these teachings came from visions. Knowledge shown to Blue Star in the spiritworld, and  teachings that were taught throughout the years with other shamans like Chief Dancing Thunder, Joska Soos, aboriginal lawmen and life itself.  The knowledge in my teachings will be passed on through spiritual journeying, shamanistic techniques, and channelings and pure energetic transfer.



The Wisdom Of The Crystal Dragons

A truly magnificent journey, an assignment given to them from Spirit to discover, explore and getting to know the Ways of how Energy in the Universe is aware and conscious.

The Crystal Dragons are real, Energy is Real. The dragon is the metaphor for the specific type of energy that was shown to the shaman women. They were able to understand the visible and invisible links that binds and connects the totality of who we are in the grid of energy that is in, and through us all.

The Medicine wheel of the future

Many of us are fascinated by crystals. In shamanic journeys I have often seen that memories came up of other civilizations. We are taken by the mystic veil around crystal skulls, the beauty and clarity of crystals. Something in crystals is highly attractive to us. Why is this? We know from science that the crystal has a vibration that is very reliable and that’s why quartz can be used in clocks. Many machines make use of the combination of copper and crystals. And so we have discovered that they be used in oscillation and that they can strenghten fields of energy. See video for more information. 

The Communication Between You And Magical Stones​

Many of us are fascinated by crystals. In shamanic journeys I have often seen that memories came up of other civilizations. We are taken by the mystic veil around crystal skulls, the beauty and clarity of crystals. Something in crystals is highly attractive to us. Why is this? We know from science that the crystal has a vibration that is very reliable and that’s why quartz can be used in clocks. Many machines make use of the combination of copper and crystals. And so we have discovered that they be used in oscillation and that they can strenghten fields of energy. See video for more information. 

What is perception?

These teachings focus on spiritual perception. In the courses about mediumship we discovered that each one of us perceives the world differently.

When we are children we perceive the world in a free way, we have not been ‘domesticated’ . When we grow up we often loose this ability.

We ALL have the capacity to perceive because our ancestors all were hunters at one time and they had to know where the food was to be found. So they ‘ dreamed their prey, and this is why we all have the capacity to “see”.

The teachings of the red earth

The more we feel connected, the more we will feel ‘real’ and present in our lives. In Native Indian spirituality we learn that the land is us, as well as the trees and the clouds. The grandfathers say “the earth is my mother, the sky is my father, the bear is my brother”. And so it is. Everything is connected.


Making a connection with a flower is feeling its life force. Walking the land, we can feel her energy through our feet, and the way it sustains us. 


In this series of teachings you will be taught to re-connect to this truth through experiencing the spirit in all things. We will also make a Medicine Walk through the land.

The Classical Medicine wheel Teachings

The four classical medicine wheel teachings have originally been created to teach traditional spirituality of the North American Indians. Ceremonies teach us how we use our spiritual senses to see into the spirit world and to gain universal knowledge. At the same time these medicine wheel ceremonies teach us to move with the spirit. By using the Medicine Wheel and the Four Wind Directions we learn the build our own permanent wheel. There is a fixed following order in these teachings in order to truly understand how the Native American Indian was making use of the this spiritual tool.


The Medicine People of Ancient Knowledge knew how the Spirit of water could be used to heal, to cleanse, and to support us in daily life. All over the world water is used in many rituals, blessings and initiations. In this workshop we will learn some of these rituals and experience their effect on our body, mind and spirit. We will program water and listen to its messages. Through shamanic journeys we will call in the Spirit of the different phases of water and discover the power of water in the self. Blue Star will teach us how to use water for healing ourselves and the world we live in.

Star Method

A beautiful and strong method to heal ancestral patterns that bothers you today.

Sound Healing

The use of instruments for changing /alter  one’s perception has been used for many centuries by shamans and healers.

in this course you will learn to see and experience the effects of drums,gong, tibetan bowls, rattles and voice for healing purposes. Since 1991 Blue Star is a healer in the Dreamtime Healing Concerts and has an experience with sounds for over 30 years.

Light Healing

This information is in progress.



Blue Star does ceremonies on request.  Like with Sacred Matrimony, Birth or with the transition  from a loved one.  

In case of  having a private group of 5-12 people; teachings can be done on request.

A personal coaching session or reading can also be done through a Zoom call


Please contact for this option.


Video's from friends

Teaching: Crystals and Spirit Stones of the Mystics

During the year program “Crystals & Spirit Stones of the mystic” Shaman Blue Star will connect you with the ancient knowledge of stones and crystals.