Seal skin

I have always had a craving for the inner wisdom of the world. As a child I already wanted to know what moves the world around me. Being 15 years old and on my bike going back home from school I met this old man. Many times we had a conversation that my mother never knew about.

She couldn’t answer my questions in a way that satisfied me. But this old man was into books and into music. I sometimes visited him in his house where he then put on a piece of music that was new to me. A new world then opened. People from the past created wonderful things and I didn’t understand that there was not more respect for them.

When my brother died suddenly I took it as an omen to fulfil a dream that lingered my whole life and that was visiting the Haida Gwai in Canada’s west, the upper islands. As a young woman I read the myths of these Native American Indians with strange and compelling names. One of them was about the Sylkies.

How a man was a Seal, but on land he was a man. A girl from the village fell in love with him but he told her their relation could only be when she would never follow him when he daily left her to come back later. Of course one day she couldn’t hold herself back and saw he put on a sealskin and swam away.

She waited….till a seal came back on the beach….became a man…and then hid the sealskin.

The woman then stole the skin and put it elsewhere since she wanted him to be with her all the time and without his sealskin he stayed man.

One day he found his sealskin

Put it on…and swam away…never to return……

I never understood why government, beings… humans of this world, like the rest of us, would steal our sealskin.

The lack of respect, the intent of having power over another magical being, destroying the magic in that being, keeps on shocking me to the core.

This morning I saw the parallel of three magical cultures. They slowly starts to honor their roots once more where governments and fanatical religions tried to destroy them. Everywhere over the world the ancient cultures that lived in harmony with the planet Earth were under attack.

These days in many ancient cultures the language is being restored, the dances and the songs, the designs and the wisdom in their stories. Since this is the way how energy brings back harmony.

A sense of belonging and self worth is slowly coming back where it was violated. “all has a spirit, all that lives is conscious as are you” “we all have a purpose here on this planet, it is your adventure to find out what it is” these words of wisdom I find in all the stories of the wisdom keepers. With an open heart.

In Sydney, a teacher started to bring back a certain aboriginal language to his pupils. The self murder of the young ones was extremely high but after re-learning their language there was an incredible improvement.

The Haida Gwai’s medicine man had stopped his ceremonies. I came with the purpose to do a fire ceremony for the fish in the oceans. Spirit had told me for many weeks that the lives of the fish in the oceans screamed for help. The medicine man called his people together, made a fire and then said to me :”now you go ahead”  We prayed for the oceans, we prayed for the fish, we prayed for ourselves, we prayed for harmony. The grandmothers brought food to share afterwards.

The next morning I came back to the fire place to find my lost earring . I found a bald eagle waiting for me. 

And found my earring afterwards in the rental. And the medicine man has started his teachings and ceremonies again. This morning I finally saw a documentary of the Ainu. Also one of my interests. Their honoring of the bear as a send off to the spirits. They have dances like the Haida Gwai. Colors like the Haida Gwai and the Maori where I once got adopted. The Red, the Black and the White in their costumes. Parallel movements yet living on the other side of the world.

Salmon catchers like the bear.

A deep longing for harmony, for all of humanity, for respect to all that lives along humanity, always has been my drive. I am so grateful for all the beautiful people on my path that share this visions with me. 

As small as your gesture seems, it is important to all of us. And I Thank you for it.

As friend signs his letters with ; I so value heart to heart connections. Just this one phrase always brings a smile upon my face.

Sometimes we just need a little push in the positive direction.

Blessings to the reader

Blue Star